The Bosco Catholic School System relies on the support of our alumni, families, and friends throughout the year for assistance with our day-to-day operating costs and special projects not covered by tuition or parish subsidies.
With these funds we are able to provide the most up-to-date technology, enhance existing programs, and add new projects and programs to make sure our students have every resource needed for a first-class education. Gifts also assist in the maintenance of our campus facilities.
Your annual gifts of support to our Bosco Strong Annual Appeal and other needs make everything possible. Your gifts to our Endowment Fund set us up for long-term success.
One-Time Gifts – Cash, Checks or Credit Cards
You may mail or drop your donation or Give Online.
Checks should be made payable to: Bosco Catholic School System, PO Box 106, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Please note what the donation is for (Bosco Strong Annual Appeal, Immaculate Conception Endowment, Don Bosco Endowment, or a specific need).
Help us save on postage by providing an email address for your thank you/tax receipt.
Recurring Gifts
Many employers have matching gift programs and will match part or all of the charitable contributions made by their employees.
To find out if your company has a matching gift program, contact your Human Resources department. Let us know if you need a gift receipt right away to provide for your match. We can also help with form submission. Contact the Development Office or Business Manager Tiffany Moses at 319-296-1692.
Gifts of Securities
Gifts of Grain
Gifts to the Bosco Catholic School System are tax deductible as allowed by law. Our Development Director will issue a tax receipt for your donation.
Membership in the Bosco Catholic School System Legacy Society recognizes individuals who have made planned gifts to the school. By joining the Legacy Society, you not only establish a lasting memorial for yourself or a loved one but also help ensure the ongoing success of our faith-based education into the future.
If you are thinking about a gift--or have already made provisions for a gift to the Bosco Catholic School System in your will but have not let us know--please contact us. Sharing your intentions can encourage others to join in, but we are happy to keep your plan confidential if you wish.
For information on how to include the Bosco Catholic School System in your estate plans, please call the office and ask for our Development Director.
Other opportunities to support our school system:
We are all asked to share our time, talents and treasures. You can volunteer to help coordinate and organize events and projects. You can also volunteer to work at these events and projects. We always need help with the Immaculate Conception Fun Run (fall), organizing PTO's can shed, concessions and admission at activities. Let us know if you would like to be on a planning, alumni, marketing, or endowment committee or on our Foundation board.
Thank you for volunteering your time to help.